We use data science, data visualization and big data to analyze cultural trends and data. For description of our methods, see cultural analytics.
Featured Projects
Visual Earth (2017)
On Broadway (2014-2015)
Selfiecity (2014-2015)
MoMA Photography Collection (2014)
Phototrails (2013)
Visualizing Vertov (2013)
Google Logo Space (2012)
Mondrian vs Rothko (2011)
Kingdom Hearts (2010)
Science and Popular Science (2010)
One Million Manga Pages (2010)
Media Species (2009)
4535 Time Magazine Covers (2009)
List of All Projects
- Exploring photography magazine Sovetskoe Foto, 1926–1991 | Exploratory visualizations and analysis of 405 covers of magazine Sovetskoe Foto (Soviet Photography), published in Moscow, Russia, from 1926 to 1991 | Lev Manovich, Alise Tifentale, and Agustín Indaco
- Visual Earth | Analysis of growth of image sharing on Twitter around the world using 270 million geo-coded images | Lev Manovich, Daniil Sergeev, Agustín Indaco, Damon Crockett, and Mehrdad Yazdani
- Inequaligram | Analysis of 7,442,454 public Instagram images shared in Manhattan over five months | Lev Manovich and Agustín Indaco
- Selfiecity | Investigating selfies in six global cities using a mix of design, computational, theoretic, and artistic methods | Lev Manovich, Moritz Stefaner, Daniel Goddemeyer, Dominikus Baur, Jay Chow, Alise Tifentale, Mehrdad Yazdani, and Nadav Hochman
- On Broadway | Representing life in the 21st century city, commission by the New York Public Library | Daniel Goddemeyer, Moritz Stefaner, Dominikus Baur, and Lev Manovich
- MoMA Photo Collection | Exploratory visualizations of 21,000 historical photos from MoMA Photography Collection | Nadav Hochman and Lev Manovich
- SelfieSãoPaulo | Site-Specific Visualization of Selfies on São Paulo's Largest Media Façade for for SP_Urban Festival | Moritz Stefaner, Jay Chow, Lev Manovich
- Taipei Phototime | Installation that captures, visualizes, and analyzes new Instagram images in real time | Jay Chow and Lev Manovich
- The Exceptional and the Everyday: 144 hours in Kyiv | Analysis of the use of Instagram during the Ukrainian revolution (February 17-22, 2014) using computational and visualization techniques | Lev Manovich, Mehrdad Yazdani, Alise Tifentale, and Jay Chow, with contributions by Svitlana Matviyenko and Elizabeth Losh
- Phototrails: animated | Animated version of Phototrails project, commissioned for Google Zeitgest 2014 conference | Nadav Hochman, Lev Manovich, and Jay Chow
- Phototrails | What do millions of Instagram photographs tell us about the world? | Nadav Hochman, Lev Manovich, and Jay Chow
- Visualizing Vertov | Visualization Analysis of Russian Avant-garde Cinema | Lev Manovich
- Google Logo Space | visualization of design variations in 587 Google logos | Jeremy Douglass
- Veja.vis | Visualizing 2.200 covers of Veja Magazine (Brazil) | Marcio Santos and Cicero Silva
- Mondrian vs Rothko | Comparing stylistic "footprints" of two modern artists | Lev Manovich
- vanGogh.viz | exploring Vincent van Gogh paintings with ImagePlot | Lev Manovich
- Remix.viz | Analyzing YouTube video remixes | Eduardo Navas
- ObamaVideo.viz | President Obama's online weekly addresses | Elizabeth Losh, Jeremy Douglass, Tara Zepel
- One Million Manga Pages | visualizations of 1,074,790 pages from 883 manga series from Japan, Korea, and China | Jeremy Douglass, William Huber, Lev Manovich, and Tara Zepel
- Science and Popular Science | Analyzing the Visual Strategies in the Science and Popular Science Magazines, 1872-2007 | William Huber, Tara Zepel, and Lev Manovich
- PoliticalVideoAds.viz | 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign ads | Tara Zepel
- Kingdom Hearts.viz | Visualizing 100 hours of Kingdom Hearts gameplay | William Huber
- Freakangels.viz | Temporal patterns in a web comic | Jeremy Douglass
- Vertov.viz | Visualizations of patterns in Dziga Vertov's films | Lev Manovich
- Media Species | Visualizing different types of time-based media | Lev Manovich, Sergie Magdalin, Tara Zepel, and Kedar Reddy
- SculptingTime.viz | Mapping temporal structures in games video with 3D volumes | Jeremy Douglass
- AnnaKarenina.viz | Tolstoy's Anna Karenina | Lev Manovich
- TimeLine.viz | MappingTime.viz | 4535 Time magazine covers, 1923-2009 | Jeremy Douglass and Lev Manovich
- BettyBoop.viz | Betty Boop cartoons | Lev Manovich
- What color is Slumdog Millionaire? | how to characterize dominant colors in feature films | Jeremy Douglass
- ModernArt.viz | From realism to abstraction, 1848-1917 | Lev Manovich
- CinemaHistories.viz | 1100+ feature films, 1904-2008 | William Huber and Lev Manovich
- MappingVideoGamePlay.viz | Graphing temporal patterns in game play | Jeremy Douglass
- CatchRelease.viz | The dynamics of uncanny experience in Fatal Frame 2 | William Huber
- macro.viz | visualizing art, industry, territory and global economy in Brazil
- ArtDiaspora.viz | Korean modern art diaspora in a global world
- MotionGraphics.viz | motion graphics and graphics design
- GamePlotBranching | tracing variations in game play experiences of "Knights of the Old Republic"
Selected Student Projects, 2008-2009
- N^3 Report | mapping 28 years of TV news
- Art Objects as Data Points | 200,000 images in UCSD art library
- MySpace.viz | tracking visual conversations in social networks
Theory, Methods, Tools, 2008-2011
- About Cultural Analytics | what is it?
- ImagePlot | desktop software for visualizing image sets
- Style Space | How to compare image sets and follow their evolution
- Cultural Analytics on 287 megapixel HIPerSpace visualization supercomputer | how we do it
- Cultural Analytics history | development of cultural analytics ideas, 2005-2010
- Cultural Patterns Recognition, or Seeing Through Images | using digital image analysis for humanities research
- Surface is the New Depth | multiple coordinated views for cultural visualization
- NURBS theory | conceptualizing cultural processes: from timelines and boxes to curves, surfaces, fields
- Re:Game Libratory | a research space / library for platform studies of video game consoles
- PlayDVR | networked hardware for capturing gameplay on game platforms (from Atari 2600 to Playstation 3)
- PlayPower | 8-bit learning games for radically affordable computers