We highlight a few selected publications. All other papers are listed by publication date below. You can download PDF of every paper.
100 Billion Data Rows per Second: Media Analytics in the Early 21st Century
Analysis of two key mechanisms that define culture industry in data era: the computational analysis of user activities and content of media, and automatic actions based on this analysis (2016; published in the International Journal of Communication, January 2018).
The Science of Culture? Social Computing, Digital Humanities, and Cultural Analytics
Comparing three different approaches to analyzing large cultural datasets: social computing, digital humanities, and cultural analytics (2015).
Data Science and Computational Art History
Core concepts from data science that are relevant for quanitative art history and study of visual culture (2015).
Watching the World
The photo-universe created by millions of people sharing image is a mega-documentary, without a script or director - but this documentary’s scale requires computational tools—databases, search engines, visualization—in order to be "watched" (2014).
Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the Local through Social Media
First theoretical analysis of Instagram as a media platform (2013).
All Publications
- Lev Manovich and Alise Tifentalle. Culture in the pandemics era? Examining the growth of art biennales from 1895 to 2019. Self-published.
- Lev Manovich. Cultural Analytics. Book published by The MIT Press, 2020. 106,000 words.
- Lev Manovich. The Aesthetic Society. Data Publics. Eds. Peter Mörtenboeck and Helge Mooshammer, Routledge, 2020.
- Lev Manovich. Understanding Data. Critical Terms in Futures Studies. Ed. Paul Heike, Palgrave, 2019.
- Lev Manovich. Defining AI Arts: Three Proposals. Saint-Petersburg: Hermitage Museum, 2019.
- Lev Manovich. 100 Billion Data Rows per Second: Media Analytics in the Early 21st Century International Journal of Communication, No. 12 (2018): 473–488.
- Lev Manovich. AI Aesthetics. Moscow: Strelka Press, 2018.
- Lev Manovich. Can We Think Without Categories? Digital Culture & Society (DCS), Vol. 4, no. 1 (2018): 17-28. Special issue "Rethinking AI: Neural Networks, Biometrics and the New Artificial Intelligence." Edited by Ramón Reichert, Mathias Fuchs, Pablo Abend, Annika Richterich, and Karin Wenz. Published by Transcript-Verlag. Download a PDF of the table of contents and introduction to this issue.
- Alise Tifentale. Seeing a Century Through the Lens of Sovetskoe Foto. Cultural Analytics Lab, July 2018.
- Alise Tifentale. The Selfie: More and Less than a Self-Portrait, in Moritz Neumüller, ed., Routledge Companion to Photography and Visual Culture (London, New York: Routledge), 44–58.
- Манович Л. Теории софт-культуры. Нижний Новгород: Красная ласточка. Theories of Software Cultures; in Russian. 208 pages, ill.
- Lev Manovich. Visual Semiotics, Media Theory, and Cultural Analytics , in Lev Manovich, Теории софт-культуры. [Theories of Software Cultures] (Нижний Новгород: Красная ласточка, 2017).
- Lev Manovich. Cultural Data: Possibilities and Limitations of the Digital Data Universe, in Oliver Grau, ed., with Wendy Coones and Viola Rühse, Museum and Archive on the Move. Changing Cultural Institutions in the Digital Era (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter), 259-276.
- Lev Manovich. Instagram and Contemporary Image. The four parts of the book were posted online as they were written between 12/20/2015 and 12/26/2016. This PDF combines these chapters (with some edits), an Introduction (finished in August 2017), and an Appendix.
- Lev Manovich. Automating Aesthetics: Artificial Intelligence and Image Culture, Flash Art International no. 316, September–October 2017.
- Lev Manovich. Aesthetics, "Formalism," and Media Studies, in Laurie Ouellette and Jonathan Gray, eds., Keywords in Media Studies (New York: NYU Press).
- Everardo Reyes-Garcia. The Image-Interface: Graphical Supports for Visual Information (London: Wiley-ISTE). 70,000 words.
- Maximilian Schich, Christian Huemer, Piotr Adamczyk, Lev Manovich, and Yang-Yu Liu. Network Dimensions in the Getty Provenance Index, arXiv, June 9, 2017.
- Alise Tifentale. Rules of the Photographers’ Universe”, Photoresearcher (Journal of the European Society for the History of Photography), No. 27 (April 2017) 68-77. Special issue "Playing the Photograph," edited by guest editors Matthias Gründig and Steffen Siegel.
- Mehrdad Yazdani, Jay Chow, and Lev Manovich. Quantifying the Development of User-Generated Art During 2001-2010, published in PLOS ONE.
- Lev Manovich, Miriam Redi, Damon Crockett, and Simon Osindero. What Makes Photo Cultures Different? ACM, October 2016.
- Lev Manovich. Designing and Living Instagram Photography: Themes, Feeds, Sequences, Branding, Faces, Bodies, in Lev Manovich, Instagram and Contemporary Image. The book chapters are published as they are completed. (Writing started 12/2015.)
- Lev Manovich. Notes on Instagrammism and contemporary cultural identity, in Lev Manovich, Instagram and Contemporary Image. The book chapters are published as they are completed. (Writing started 12/2015.)
- Lev Manovich. The Science of Culture? Social Computing, Digital Humanities, and Cultural Analytics, in CA: Journal of Cultural Analytics, Vol. 1, No. 1.
- Lev Manovich and Agustin Indaco. Social Media Inequality: Definition, Measurements, and Application. Urban Studies and Practices journal.
- Lev Manovich. Subjects and Styles in Instagram Photography (Part 2) in Lev Manovich, Instagram Book, written December, 2015 – January, 2016. The book chapters are published on Instagram and Contemporary Image. The book chapters are published as they are completed. (Writing started 12/2015.)
- Lev Manovich. Subjects and Styles in Instagram Photography (Part 1) in Lev Manovich, Instagram Book, written December, 2015 – January, 2016. The book chapters are published on Instagram and Contemporary Image.The book chapters are published as they are completed. (Writing started 12/2015.)
- Lev Manovich. Exploring Urban Social Media: Selfiecity and On Broadway in Code and the City, edited by Robert Kitchin and Sung-Yueh Perng. London, New York: Routledge.
- Lev Manovich and Alise Tifentale. Competitive Photography and the Presentation of the Self in Exploring the Selfie: Historical, Analytical, and Theoretical Approaches to Digital Self-Photography, edited by Jens Ruchatz, Sabine Wirth, and Julia Eckel. Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming.
- Alise Tifentale. The Networked Camera at Work: Why Every Self-Portrait Is Not a Selfie, but Every Selfie is a Photograph in Santa Mičule, ed., Riga Photography Biennial 2016. Riga: Riga Photography Biennial, pp. 74—83.
- Adelheid Heftberger. «Die Verschmelzung von Wissenschaft und Filmchronik». Das Potenzial der reduktionslosen Visualisierung am Beispiel von «Das elfte Jahr» und «Der Mann mit der Kamera» von Dziga Vertov. In La visualisation des données en histoire. Visualisierung von Daten in der Geschichtswissenschaft, edited by Enrico Natale, Christiane Sibille, Nicolas Chachereau, Patrick Kammerer, and Manuel Hiestand. Zürich: Chronos-Verlag, S. 229—263
- Lev Manovich. Data Science and Computational Art History. Invited article for the first issue of International Journal for Digital Art History, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 12—34.
- Lev Manovich and Alise Tifentale. Selfiecity: Exploring Photography and Self-Fashioning in Social Media. In Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation and Design, edited by David M. Berry and Michael Dieter. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109—122.
- Lev Manovich and Mehrdad Yazdani. Predicting Social Trends from Non-photographic Images on Twitter. The 3rd IEEE Workshop on “Big Humanities Data” at the IEEE Big Data 2015 Conference, Santa Clara, CA.
- Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits, and Lev Manovich, editors. Data Drift: Archiving Media and Data Art in the 21st Century. Riga: RIXC, LiepU MPLab.
- Alise Tifentale. Art of the Masses: From Kodak Brownie to Instagram. Networking Knowledge (special edition Be Your Selfie: Identity, Aesthetics and Power in Digital Self-Representation), Vol 8, No 6 (2015): pp. 1—16.
- Alise Tifentale. Making Sense of the Selfie: Digital Image-Making and Image-Sharing in Social Media, Scriptus Manet Vol. 1, No. 1: 47–59.
- Nadav Hochman. The Social Media Image, Big Data & Society, Volume 1, Issue 2: pp. 1—15.
- Nadav Hochman and Lev Manovich. A View From Above: Exploratory Visualizations of the Thomas Walther Collection, in Object: Photo. Modern Photographs 1909–1949: The Thomas Walther Collection. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), website.
- Nadav Hochman, Lev Manovich, and Mehrdad Yazdani. On Hyper-Locality: Performances of Place in Social Media, in Proceedings of 2014 International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM).
- Lev Manovich and Everardo Reyes. “Info-aesthetics,” in 100 Notions for Digital Art, edited by M. Veyrat. Paris: Les Editions de l’Immatériel.
- Lev Manovich, Alise Tifentale, Mehrdad Yazdani, and Jay Chow. The Exceptional and the Everyday: 144 Hours in Kyiv. IEEE Big Data 2014 Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC, 2014.
- Lev Manovich. The Illusions. A BIT of The Language of New Media, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
- Lev Manovich. The Language of Media Software. In The Imaginary App, edited by Svitlana Matviyenko and Paul D. Miller. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, pp. 189—204.
- Lev Manovich. Software is The Message. Journal of Visual Culture, Volume 13, Issue 1, pp. 79—81.
- Lev Manovich. Watching the World. Aperture, No. 214 (Spring 2014), special issue “Documentary, Expanded.”
- Everardo Reyes. Aesthetics of temporal and spatial transformations in environments, Metaverse Creativity, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 151—165.
- Everardo Reyes. Explorations in Media Visualization (invited talk) in Extended Proceedings of the 25th ACM conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia Hypertext'14, September 2014. New York: ACM Press.
- Cicero Inacio da Silva and Marcio Santos. Analyzing big cultural data patterns in 2.200 covers of Veja Magazine. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2012. University of Sheffield, 2014.
- Nadav Hochman and Lev Manovich. Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Social Patterns in Instagram Photos. Proceedings of the GeoHCI 2013 Workshop (in conjunction with ACM CHI 2013). Paris, France, April 2013.
- Nadav Hochman and Lev Manovich. Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media. First Monday, 6/1/2013.
- Lev Manovich. Software Takes Command. Book published by Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. 100,000 words.
- Lev Manovich. The Algorithms of Our Lives. The Chronicle of Higher Education, December 16.
- Lev Manovich. Media after Software. Journal of Visual Culture, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 30—37.
- Lev Manovich. Visualizing Vertov. First part Visualizing Vertov published in Russian Journal of Communication, Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 44—55; second part Kino-Eye in Reverse: Visualizing Cinema published in Cinematicity in Media History, edited by Jeff Geiger and Karin Littau, Edinburgh University Press.
- Lev Manovich. Media Visualization: Visual Techniques for Exploring Large Media Collections. The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies, Volume VI: Media Studies Futures, edited by Kelly Gates. Blackwell.
- Lev Manovich. Museum without Walls, Art History without Names: Visualization Methods for Humanities and Media Studies. In Oxford Handbook of Sound and Image in Digital Media, edited by Carol Vernallis, Amy Herzog, and John Richardson. Oxford University Press.
- Everardo Reyes. El software toma el mando, open Spanish translation of Lev Manovich’s Software Takes Command (2013).
- Almila Akdag Salah, Lev Manovich, Albert Ali Salah, and Jay Chow. Combining Cultural Analytics and Networks Analysis: Studying a Social Network Site with User-Generated Content. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, Volume 57, Issue 3, pp. 409—426.
- Lev Manovich. How to Follow Software Users? (Digital Humanities, Software Studies, Big Data). In Digital Humanities Quarterly.
- Lev Manovich. Data stream, database, timeline. Published on
- Lev Manovich. How to Compare One Million Images? In Understanding Digital Humanities, edited by David Berry. Palgrave.
- Lev Manovich. Trending: The Promises and the Challenges of Big Social Data in Debates in Digital Humanities, edited by Matthew Gold. Minnesota University Press.
- Lev Manovich. Inside Photoshop. Computing Culture, no. 1.
- Eduardo Navas. Modular Complexity and Remix: The Collapse of Time and Space into Search. Published in AnthroVision 1.1; released on on 4/19/2013.
- Daniela Ushizima, Lev Manovich, Todd Margolis, Jeremy Douglass. Cultural Analytics of Large Datasets from Flickr in The Proceedings of the Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media.
- So Yamaoka, Lev Manovich, Jeremy Douglass, Falko Kuester. Cultural Analytics in Large Scale Visualization Environments. IEEE Computer, cover feature for the special issue on computers and the arts.
- Jeremy Douglass, William Huber, Lev Manovich. Understanding scanlation: how to read one million fan-translated manga pages in Image and Narrative. Brussels.
- Lev Manovich. Style Space: How to compare image sets and follow their evolution. 4 parts, published on
- Lev Manovich. From Reading to Pattern Recognition. In I read where I am, edited by Mieke Gerritzen, Geert Lovink, and Minke Kampman. Amsterdam: Valiz and Graphic Design Museum.
- Lev Manovich and Jeremy Douglass. Visualizing Change in Visualizing the 21st Century, edited by Oliver Grau. MIT Press.
- Lev Manovich. What is Visualization? in Visual Studies. Routledge.
- Lev Manovich. "There is only software." SOS 4.8 festival catalog (Spain, 2011); WRO 2011 festival catalog (Wrocław, 2011).
- Lev Manovich. "Software Studies." In FILE (International Festival of Electonic Arts, Brazil) catalog, Sao Paolo, 2008-2011.
- Tara Zepel, Cultural Analytics at Work: The 2008 U.S. Presidential Online Video Ads. In The Video Vortex Reader II, edited by Geert Lovink and Rachel Somers Miles. Institute of Network Cultures.
- William Huber. Catch and release: Ludological dynamics in Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly. Loading: The Journal of Canadian Game Studies, Volume 4, Issue 6.
- Jeremy Douglass. Computer Visions of Computer Games: analysis and visualization of play recordings. Workshop on Media Arts, Science, and Technology (MAST) 2009: The Future of Interactive Media. UC Santa Barbara, January 2009. [slides]
- William Huber. Epic spatialities: the production of space in Final Fantasy games in Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives, edited by Wardrip-Fruin and Harrigan. MIT Press.
- Lev Manovich. How to Follow Global Digital Cultures, or Cultural Analytics for Beginners in Deep Search, edited by Felix Stalder and Konrad Becker. Transaction Publishers (English version) and Studienverlag (German version).
- Lev Manovich. Cultural Analytics: Visualizing Cultural Patterns in the Era of 'More Media'. DOMUS, Spring 2009.
- Cicero Silva. "Estudos Culturais do Software" In Comunicação e Cultura Digital . Porto Alegre: Espectros Editorial.
- Cicero Silva. "Analítica Cultural no Brasil." In Paralelo. São Paulo: MIS. [Slides]
- Lev Manovich. Cultural Analytics: white paper (5/2007; latest update 11/2008). With contributions by Noah Wardrip-Fruin.
- Cicero Silva. "There is nothing outside of software (Não há nada fora do software.)" In FILE catalog. São Paulo, Imprensa Oficial.